
2015 chromodo vs comodo dragon
2015 chromodo vs comodo dragon

Francisco Partners rebranded Comodo CA in November 2018 to Sectigo. In October 2017, Francisco Partners acquired Comodo Certification Authority (Comodo CA) from Comodo Security Solutions, Inc. The company also helped on setting standards by contributing to the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource Record. The firm operates a certificate authority that issues SSL certificates. Its products are focused on computer and internet security. The company relocated to the United States in 2004. The company was founded in 1998 in the United Kingdom by Melih Abdulhayoğlu.

2015 chromodo vs comodo dragon

5.8 Dangling markup injection vulnerability.5.7 Let's Encrypt trademark registration application.5.6 Chromodo browser, ACL, no ASLR, VNC weak authentication.

2015 chromodo vs comodo dragon

5.5 Certificates issued to known malware distributors.

2015 chromodo vs comodo dragon